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Monday, December 21, 2009

Web Proxies 101: Monetization


Monetizing your proxy basically means ‘making money from your proxy website’. There are many ways to go about monetizing your website and here is what you need to know.

Contextual advertising. This means advertisements appearing on a page which is directly relevant to the webpage content. For example, a website about computers with the word ‘computers’ heavily mentioned, would bring up advertisements on computers. This is done by scanning or browsing through the webpage looking for any keywords.

A contextual ad is the advertisement that dynamically appears on a Web site.

Many companies focus on contextual advertisement with the main one being Google AdSense.

Google AdSense

When enrolled to the AdSense program, you can place advertisements onto your website. These will be from AdSense. Every click made on these ads on your website, you will get a slice of the CPC (cost per click) and Google will take the rest. AdSense is an excellent way of monetizing your website with them currently being the best in the market for contextual advertising.

Google AdWords customers pay for the clicks. They can target particular keywords. This can be very useful when making a website on a less competitive topic. Proxy clicks can range from $0.01 - $3.50 from my personal experience.

AdSense on proxies. Google are very strict on the use of AdSense on proxy websites. They do allow proxies to contain Google Ad’s however they are strictly prohibited on the proxified pages. Proxified pages are the actual results of searched web pages by the user. One of the main reasons why this isn’t allowed is the fact of illegal content being visible on the page. I would strongly suggest reading up on the terms and conditions here.

A couple of tips for adding AdSense onto your proxy. I would strongly suggest that you fight the urge to blend the ads into the site. Where this may be an excellent idea on normal web pages – for proxies it will not work out for you. This is because of the mass click fraud which may take place when users search content. However, I would still try blending the ad’s in to an extent. I am saying this because if the search bar is clearly distinguishable to the ads then the chances of visitors clicking are low (low CTR). CTR is the ‘click through rate’. At the end of the AdSense day check up on your CTR and this figure will tell you the percentage of visitors that clicked an ad. Typical CTR percentages range

from 0.5% to 3.5% however higher CTR percentages can and will be higher on particular days. These days would include typical school days or certain days in the holidays.
Another tip would be to have a rotating background colour. Every time someone visits your proxy website, the background will change at random and the AdSense title colour will be the colour of the background. This would reduce ad-blindness.

Advantages and Disadvantages of AdSense.

AdSense has both its advantages and disadvantages for being used on proxies.

An advantage for using AdSense is that it gives more of the revenue than any other company (from personal experiences). It has a much wider advertiser base hence giving more ads to be displayed on your webpage. This is an excellent plus point for any contextual ad service. Another advantage would be that the adverts displayed on your website are based on the content of your website. The ads will be relevant to the keywords placed on your proxy hence more clicks on the advertisements.

However the AdSense service does have it's disadvantages also.

One would be that they are not too keen on proxy websites. This may be because of the mass click fraud that often goes on with these kinds of websites, especially with the majority of proxies having foreign visitors (for the advertisers this is bad as they do not want foreign visitors to be seeing adverts that are of no use to them) and not being able to distinguish Google AdSense from the actual content of the proxy page.

Although Google AdSense would probably pay more per click than a lot of other companies, they often pay low for clicks. This could mean plenty of 1 cent clicks. This would be critical if your website had around 50 clicks a day. Half a dollar wouldn’t cut it – especially with the high costs of running a popular proxy website that has already been discussed earlier in the article.

Google AdSense is a very reputable company (owned by Google, who, although are very powerful have always proven themselves to be reliable to their customers) however there are a lot of AdSense alternatives.

AdSense Alternatives

AdSense is not the ‘be all and end all’ of monetizing your proxy website, a lot of other companies work well for proxy website owners.

Here are a list of, and the information you need on monetization companies who accept proxy websites.


AdEngage are a reputable company and they are a strong choice as an AdSense alternative. They accept ads on the proxy homepage AND on the proxified pages. As mentioned before, proxified pages are the actual pages which show up when a user enters a web page through your proxy. Also, you can choose who advertises on your website for a certain period of time. Currently, AdEngage accepts payments through credit card or Paypal, and wire transfer for larger amounts.

2. Adversal

Adversal are a high paying pop-under network, with a high level of inventory and instant approval. I would recommend Adversal alongside your homepage/proxified page ad service company. Adversal currently pay out via PayPal and Check. The minimum payout is $20.

3. Adtegrity

Adtegrity are a premium high paying CPM network, known in it's industry, who are also known to payout on time. I suppose this is an essential part of any company you may want to go with. Adtegrity pays all publishers by check or by PayPal in U.S. dollars at the end of each month. The minimum payout is currently set at $10.

5. Adbrite

AdBrite is an excellent choice as an AdSense alternative. You can approve ads on your website giving you total control over which ads are displayed on your website. This means that you can choose to have relevant advertisements on your proxy website. AdBrite allow ads to be placed on both your HomePage and Proxified pages When advertisements are placed on your webpage, there is a line entitled ‘Your Link Here’ where people are sent to your ‘Purchase an Ad’ page where they can signup for ads on your page for a period of time. Minimum payout is $5 however the only payment method is currently via Check.

6. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser are a PPC publisher program, which allows you to select which ads to show on your site, including the bid prices. Bidvertiser only allow ads on the HomePage. However, for proxy websites, Bidvertiser are known to deduct credit from accounts, and delete them completely at times Bidvertiser currently pay through PayPal and/or Check.

7. Exoclick

Exoclick are a growing reputable pay per click publishing company, offering new types of formats and styles to suit personal needs. Exoclick offer ads to be published on both your proxy hompage and proxified pages. Excellent AdSense alternative. Little is heard from this company, however they give an excellent service. Exoclick currently offer payment via Check, PayPal or E-passporte. This illustrates their flexibility and their customer service is excellent.


The above are excellent AdSense alternatives however I would recommend using AdSense. To prevent getting banned I would suggest using programs such as ‘AdLogger’ and set it to 5 clicks from a unique IP address a day. This is most suitable as Schools/Colleges normally have 1 IP address for the whole premises and each student computer.

I hope these four guides have helped you, and for more information or help your may need please consult the forums.


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